Deploy OpenShift on AWS using custom IPv4 address
Exciting news for admins who wants more control of Public IP address in the Public Cloud! =]
Starting on 4.16, OpenShift/OKD has the capability to use custom Public IPv4 address (Elastic IP (EIP)) when deploying a cluster on AWS. This can help you in different ways:
- Allowing to trust in which address range the nodes will egress traffic from the VPC to Internet, allowing to refine the firewall rules in the target services, such as on-premisses, or services published in the internet with restricted access.
- Allowing to control which address the API server will be used
- Alloing to decrease the IPv4 charges applied to Elastic IP when using the CIDR IPv4 that you brought to your AWS Account
To begging with, take a look at the following guides: - Install OCP/OKD on AWS using Public IPv4 Pool - Install OCP/OKD on AWS using existing Elastic IPs