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MongoDB Sharded Deployment

  • MongoDB components

mongod mongo config mongos

  • Architecture

    development () standalone rset (odd nodes) sharded (odd nodes) config nodes / arbiters mongos on app server mongos as centralized router

  • Filesystem

  • Replication

  • Sharding

  • Production checklist (HandsOn) [OS]

    Main [FS XFS] THP readahead blockdev --getra /dev/nvme1n1 [Disble tuned on RHEL] [disable noop on the data disk scheduler [disable NUMA] sysctl -a |grep vm.zone_reclaim_mode [Adjust the ulimit ] [Use noatime for the dbPath mount point.] [sysctl] fs.file-max value of 98000, kernel.pid_max value of 64000, kernel.threads-max value of 64000, and vm.max_map_count value of 128000 [adjust the swap according to the OS] [keep alive] net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time 300

  • Monitoring

    MongoDB -> exporter -> commands -> alerts lock percent (for the MMAPv1 storage engine) replication lag replication oplog window assertions queues page faults

  • Load Balancing (

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